Thumbs up to my Hello Kitty Wallpaper :P
Big Apple Red! Frankly speaking, I was drawn to this colour by its name! For some reasons, it kinda convinced me that it is a good red...and trust me, IT IS A GOOD RED! But if you're not a fan of bright red, this might not be your thing. This baby has been with me for over two years(?), and unconsciously it has become one of my most worn nail polishes!

This nail polish should receive a MEGASHINE award! Checkout the picture above:
WITHOUT top coat!
And I love how flattering it looks against my skin.
No problems with the application or formula. Easy to apply and opaque in two coats.
Doesn't takes too long to dry.
The only downside is this:

It stains the brush of my topcoat.
Unless you are very particular, this won't be a biggie as the colour will sorta 'melt' away when you place the brush back into its bottle. So don't worry, it won't spoil your topcoat.
*This colour is soooooo gorgeous! Please don't reject it just because of that!*
This colour is sexy and classy. I love it on both my toes and fingers! *hearts lots lots*
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