Hey girls, what comes to your mind first when you heard of 'Heel Condoms'?
In my case, I thought it to be something like a shoe/heel protector. Since condom is some sort of a protective thingy. Lol! I imagined it to be like a raincoat for your shoes to prevent them from getting wet and dirty during rainy days or while you're walking at a muddy place. Something like this:

But I was wrong! It is actually something much more sophisticated than it sounds! It is able to transform the pair of plain simple heels that you own into something as pretty as this!

Source: theheelcondoms.com
Interested? Visit www.theheelcondoms.com!
Pretty pretty pretty!!
You've gotta give a thumbs up to Miss Sandrysabel Ortiz for this brilliant idea! Come to think of it, you don't only get to 'dress up' your heels, it actually does saves space; it's like you get to own 10 pairs of heels without having 10 shoeboxes stacking up, if that makes any sense (?).
Will I buy it? Yes and no. Yes, if I've finally found a perfect and comfortable pair of plain heels which I can't live without! No, cause the price of these condoms (LOL) are not cheap; with that money, you can buy another pair of heels! But do check on their website often, if these beauties are on sale, I'd say it's quite a good deal. And the good thing is, they do ship to Malaysia :)
What's your verdict? Take it or leave it?
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