If a genie were to grant me a wish, I would wish for world peace!
Being the selfish me, I would ask for unlimited wishes for as long as I'm alive!
And one of them will definitely be having flawless skin!
How often do you walk pass a poster hoping you have the skin like the model? Seriously, who doesn't want flawless skin? If I have flawless skin, I don't think I will be applying make up anymore!
Now, step back to reality, is it really possible to have such skin? Sadly, the answer is NO! BUT at least the closest you can get to is a smooth, glowy skin without blackheads or acnes!
Besides being blessed with good hormones and genes, and having a set of good skincare products that suits you, here are a few extra things that you can do:
ALWAYS remove your make up before you sleep! Even if the make up is very minimal, it is going to clog your pores overnight! I am very particular when it comes to removing make up, its a 3 steps process for me. First, I'll use a make up remover tissue to remove my make up. Next, I'll use my Clarisonic along with a pump of cleansing oil to clean my face. Lastly, I'll wash my face again with normal facial wash, making sure that there isn't any residual of anything on my face! Another reason why you should remove your make up before bed -- you don't want to wake up and find color patches on your pillow! ewwww..
Wash your face twice a day (with facial wash of course). Once in the morning after you wake up and once at night before you sleep. This is a must! Even if you're not wearing any make up during the day, the dirt and dust in the air can clog your pores. In my case, sometimes I'll wash 3 times a day, one more during shower or whenever I get irritated over my oily face. However, it is not advisable to wash too often, your skin might end up getting too dry.
Schedule yourself at least one make-up-free-day in a week. Your skin needs to breathe after having make up on for the entire week. Pick a day where you find comfortable without make up. For me, I'll pick the day when I don't have any classes to attend and no important events to go to.
Keep your hands off your face! Your hands pick up and drop off germs every time you touches something!

Drink a lot of WATER! not soda, not coffee, not tea! JUST PLAIN WATER! Water flushes out the bad stuff that causes bad skin. Add a slice of lemon to help rejuvenates your skin *ting!*a plus point!.
Drink a lot of WATER! not soda, not coffee, not tea! JUST PLAIN WATER! Water flushes out the bad stuff that causes bad skin. Add a slice of lemon to help rejuvenates your skin *ting!*a plus point!.
Clean your make up tools. Dirty brushes and sponges are the best place for germs and bacteria to breed and you definitely would not want to stick them onto your face! Spot clean them everyday and deep clean them every fortnight with either a brush cleanser or mild shampoo.

Scrub! Scrub! Scrub! Exfoliate your skin once a week. Say bye bye to dead skins! Besides leaving you a smooth face, it also provides better absorption for your skincare products, making them more effective!! Do not over do it, once a week is sufficient.
Sleep 8 hours a day. Do not stay up late as this will disturbs your body's detox system. *psst..this is the only step which I don't follow :P*

Sweat it out! Do whatever you want to get a good sweat as sweating is able to unclog your pores. But remember to WASH your sweat off! You don't want your hair products or whatever to mix with your sweat and slide down your face!
Treat your skin once a week. You can give your skin a treat such as applying face mask or steaming your skin. However, this must be done according to your skin type, or you might make it worse!
These are what I got so far, do you happen to come across any useful tips? Do share! :) The tips suggested above does not require any expensive investment, what is there to lose? Follow them and you are one step closer to the almost perfect skin!
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