Gurus on YouTube (YT) nowadays are like celebrities! People watch them, admire them, send them goods to be reviewed and they even have fans! These gurus transformed yours truly here from a noobie who knows absolutely nothing about beauty and skincare to the vain person she is now! :P So, if you have zero knowledge and experience in cosmetics, learn from the pro! In this post, I would like to share and recommend a few gurus which I have subscribed, and also the reason why I like them. So here it goes:
She was the first YT guru that I have subscribed myself to. I like how she shares a lot of useful beauty tips and tricks, not to mention different make up looks for different events, I've learnt a lot from her. Besides teaching make up looks that are wearable, she also does make up tutorials that are slightly interesting which can be worn to special occasions such as Halloween Party, Masquerade Party etc. This is what makes her interesting; she teaches a wide range of make up techniques and able to attract over a million subscribers on YT. She's now a spokesperson for Lancome. I guess that explains why most of the products she uses for tutorials nowadays are of that brand.
She's a Hollywood make up artists. Like Michelle, her videos involve useful tips and tricks, fun make up tutorials and updated beauty news. She's also a funny person, who doesn't like a funny teacher right? It just make learning that much enjoyable :) Apart from that, she have a lot of giveaways to show her appreciation for the support from her fans. Her giveaways are always very generous, it includes brands such as Sultra, Urban Decay, Nars, Mac et cetera. So far, I haven't won any of her giveaways, but who knows you might be the lucky one! *wink*
Oh! Tiffany is my favourite guru!! Love her to bits. I think I've watched every single make up videos of hers! She is very informative and I like the way she explains and reviews about something, it will always be very detailed and precise. As such, she gives the impression that she knows what she is doing. All of her make up tutorials are wearable, which is good. We like looks that are wearable but different everyday right?
Something totally irrelevant: I think that she's a doppleganger of Celine Dion! Check her out and you'll know what I mean!
You should know by now, I am a nail polish freak! I've tried searching for many DIY nail art tutorials, but most of them are really complicated and required skills of a professional manicurist. That was before I came across Cutepolish. Her nailart tutorials are really simple and easy to do. If you love nail stuff as much as me, subscribe to her channel and you won't regret!
A note to keep in mind while watching YT gurus, do not purchase something just because they recommend it. They might be giving good reviews because they were being paid for it, even though they claim that they're not getting a penny. To avoid buying something you might regret, do a little research before making the purchase. First, try to ask if any of your friends or member of the family (because they will be your most trustworthy source) use the product mentioned before and ask them what they think of it. Next, just google for the products' review and take a look at what people have said. I recommend Makeupalley for this. If a product have a whole lot of bad reviews, it is highly likely that it is not as good as the gurus claims it to be. On the other hand, if your little research yields positive results, you can be assured that the products are good and it is more likely that your money will be well spent.
Putting that aside, I'll be more than happy if you manage to learn as much as I did from these wonderful people :)
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