Yay! I've finally submitted my last assignment for this semester! Even though it was quite badly done but that wasn't the point! *if you get what I mean* And since my nails have been left naked for quite some time...
Like Re-fresh Mint, Peachy Keen is from the same Spring - Up & Away Collection! To be honest, I find this color to be quite a disappointment :( It wasn't as soft and pastel-ish as I thought it would be. *pout* In my opinion, it is more of an orange shade and orange does not complements my skin tone!! BUT I still love this nail polish for its opacity and the application isn't that much of a problem!

I don't know if it's me or what, this nail lacquer dries pretty fast. So, I guess that is another plus point!
Will be using this shade along with another matching color for a french/half moon manicure or other designs but less likely alone anymore. But who knows when I might have a sudden craving for such colors? hurmss..
Since Halloween is just around the corner, Imma gonna leave it on my nails until it starts chipping. Speaking of Halloween, have you already know who or what you are going to be? :)
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