************Happy 2012 people!************
I'm wearing My Address is "Hollywood" for the first day of 2012 and I'm loving it to bits!
I have many pinks but I still like this a lot! I would say it's like a barbie pink but not too bright to the point where it makes my skin looks tanned.

So girly! Me likey!
Oh and btw, this baby here is from OPI's Touring America Collection.

Smooth application. Dries pretty fast. Two coats is sufficient if you're not too picky.
For some reason, I was extra picky, so I've done three.
And topcoat is a must if you want a glossy and shiny finish.

Sad that you can only see them under natural light and when your eyes are an inch away from your nails.

And it totally matches my new iPhone cover!
Hello Kitty! *hearts*
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