Wednesday, November 9, 2011

My Love Hate Relationship with Mr. Microwave Oven

I admit that I'm a noob when it comes to electronic devices or anything techy. I'm always very afraid of them (even though i know that they are non-life-objects!) as they are usually expensive and I have a tendency to spoil them. The same goes for microwave ovens.

While microwave oven seems to be one of the must-haves in everyone's house, my very ulu mother STRONGLY disagrees on getting a microwave oven... ever! She thinks that it is radioactive and we will all die someday for being around it. Yes, dying by being around an oven! *raise single eyebrow*

As such, yours truly here have no idea on how to use an microwave oven. Fullstop and don't judge me!

Few years back, I was supposed to further my studies to Taiwan after my SPM (Note that the plan failed and more on that some other time). Since, my uncle is a PR of Taiwan, in order to save up on rents, staying with his family was a no brainer.

Both of my uncle and aunty are working, so most of the time when I have no class, I'm alone at home. There was this one time when I woke up, I realised that my aunt left me a box of fried rice with a note at the side asking me to microwave it and nom it up! She must have thought everyone knows how to use an oven and for some reasons it didn't cross my mind to call her up and ask for instructions! So stupid right?

So, I approached the oven, trying to figure it out. After I placed the fried rice on the tray of the oven, I have to adjust the time as to how long I want it to be heated. I thought the unit was in seconds, so very naturally 5 x 60seconds = 300 and since the display showed decimals, I decided to add another two zeros behind the 300 adding up to 30000. I happily left the oven thinking that I'm smart, hopping myself back to my room and continue watching my drama.


After awhile, I smelled something burning. I was like OH SHIT! and rushed down to the kitchen. To my surprise, the whole area was smoking!!!!!! The first thing that came to my mind was to open up all the doors and windows BUT I forgot that I haven't unlock the alarm system and right after I lift open the first window the alarm started ringing. Adding on to my ganjeongness. The security started calling to check on the house. I told him everything was OK. Even the neighbours saw the smoke flowing out from my windows, but all they did was stood there and observe. If this house were to be seriously on fire, neighbours are useless!

The funniest part is when I opened the oven. I took out the tupperware wanting to throw the fried rice away. The fried rice turned into a piece of CHARCOAL!! hahahha, and I clearly heard that piece of shit hit the bottom of the dustbin. TONGGGGG!!

Ladies and gentlemen, that was my first encounter with Mr. Microwave Oven.

Years have passed, and I'm now furthering my studies in Australia. I've learnt how to use the oven properly (finally!). I start to love it for how convenient it is. Put your frozen food in, wait for the ting and your meal is ready.

And the love lasted until....

Today, I decided to heat up the coffee I bought just hours ago. Silly me, I forgot to remove that plastic cover on top of it and guess what? MY COFFEE EXPLODED IN THE OVEN!! FML!

I'm already behind schedule on my study plan, and I have to fork out another 30mins to clean up the oven with coffee spills. ISH!

Mr. Microwave Oven, I hate you, again!

Yours sincerely,
Charlotte, the Microwave Oven Noob.

1 comment:

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